Reimagine's JEDI goals
Since Reimagine's genesis as a nonprofit organization, we have been committed in the short and long-term to supporting Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) through our efforts, along with making Reimagine's programming accessible and inclusive for people of all backgrounds, abilities, identities, and ages.
As part of this commitment, Reimagine is continuing to diversify its board and staff, as well as undergoing teamwide "JEDI" training (Justice, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion) from a black-led organization, Holistic Underground and Mazin Jamal. We know that we have far to go, as an organization and a culture, and that we have and will make mistakes along the way, given that with any important change comes risk and discomfort.
All collaborators are required to complete a free 90-minute training called The Art of Creating Inclusive Spaces, hosted in partnership with Holistic Underground and led by Mazin Jamal. This Reimagine workshop teaches you how to effectively create space for your community, as well as for those from different backgrounds and perspectives.
We believe our unwavering commitment to this ideal will lead to continual listening, action, improvement, and long-term impact, over years. We aim to be transparent in our work, and therefore, as we launch our new initiatives and develop long-term plans to engage with these issues, we want to clearly communicate our near-term commitments pertaining to "JEDI" based on thoughtful feedback we have received specifically from many of our incredible BIPOC community members:
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